Shyam Shah : Photograph by Suresh Parekh
Shyam Shah :
The early years...
He was merely 18 when he stepped into the world of dream weaving. Yes, that's how he calls the art of film making.

Shyam's journey into the filmdom began with the training in acting and screen play writing.  Born in a highly educated family, Shyam got the first taste of photography from his father who was a doctor by profession.  Dr. S. P. Shah had a hobby of photography.  He not only used to click pictures but also developed and printed them at home.  Little Shyam enjoyed to watch the magic moment of the picture appearing on the surface of the white photographic paper in the chemical filled tray.

"For me it was always the magical moment of a dream coming to the life." says Shyam.
Photograph Printing in a Dark room.
Shyam''s mother Mrs. Vanalila Shah. Photograph by Dr. S.P.Shah. Year 1950.
Shyam 15 months old with camera : Photograph by Dr. S.P. Shah
Dr, S. P. Shah : Shyam's father.