Shyam Shah
shri guruji
Moving Pictures are not merely a length of film bearing a sequence of images that create the illusion of movement when projected in rapid succession.  It is perhaps the most powerful mean of mass communication – a language by itself. It is the modern art of story telling. Making film has always been my passion. Ever since I got an opportunity to visit the projection room of a cinema theatre at an age of about three and a half years (“Yamuna Talkies” at Kapadvunj, Gujarat State, India) film making took over my sub conscious mind.

There was one more thing which made me more interested in film making. I had started to learn our ancient scriptures from a very young age. To put the concept of the creation in short and simple words, it is said that , “There was nothing. Neither truth nor untruth (Sat – Asat). There was only Him. Beyond any definition. Without any beginning or end.  He had no form nor can be described by any virtue or quality. He was there. Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent: BrahmaN.  HE was one and wished to be many, thus started the creation. Appeared with the sound “Aum”  Hiranya Garbha (Embryo Of Gold) illuminating the void with golden light.”
The creation thus began with light and sound. Perhaps this was the most appealing thing for me about films. In a cinema hall, there is darkness. There is nothing in the front of the eyes of the audience. And then appears a whole new world, created with the light and the sound.

My life as a film maker and a yogi has passed hand in hand. For most of the people it sounds unusual but I have always felt that those who have been working in film industry have been blessed with the quality of a yogi. They can treat success and failure with equal composure. People of film industry have a tremendous capacity to survive and go further in the most untoward circumstances.  Their commitment and passion towards their work evolve their lives to become a process of constant elevation and evolution.
- Shyam Shah
"Shriyogeshvara Chaitanya"