Nanddas follows the Kshatriya family but he is not able to catch them as they leave by a boat to cross the river Yamuna. After sometimes a boat comes with a Vaishnav (Pranay Goswami) who asks Nanddas to go with him as he was sent to bring Nanddas by Shri Gusainji himself. After coming to Shri Gusainji (Goswami Shri Vagish Kumarji Mahodayashri) Nanddas realizes the ultimate beauty of Shri Krushna. He understands the divine grace of Shri Yamunaji who brought him to Guru and Govind both.  He accepted Shri Gusainji's shelter and became his disciple. Now his poetic creations got the right direction. He started to write more and more about the divine play of Bhagavan Shri Krushna.  Once his cousin Tulasidas comes to him to take him back to their home but Nanddas refuses as he wanted to rise spiritually under the divine shelter of his Guru.  

Tulasidas returns to home and tells about the devotion of Nanddas towards Shri Krushna to their Shiksha Guru (Teacher) Shri Nrusinghaacharyaji   ( Doctor Goswami Shri Akshay Kumar Maharajshri) who tells that he is not surprised by this as he always could feel and understand the quest of Nanddas for the ultimate divine beauty, which can not be other than Shri Krushna.
Tulasidas (Paritosh Goswami) meets Nanddas (Pankaj Goswami).
Shri Nrusinghaacharyaji (Goswami Shri Akshay Kumar Maharajshri)
Transformation of the life of Nanddas.
Nanddas (Pankaj Goswami)  have divine vision of  
Shri Krushna (Shyam Shah) and Shri Yamunaji (Jagruti Shyam)
Nanddas comes to Shri Gusainji and is blessed with
the divine vision of Shri Krushna.