Even Chanda's husband Manoj surrenders to the wealth of  Sheth Lakshmi Das and betrays Chanda by giving a false testimony in the courtroom. Police Inspector Desai (Jyotin Dave) also gives a bias testimony from the witness box as he too has received a handsome amount of money from Sheth Lakshmi Das.  
Satyakam very efficiently turns the table by using the testimony of "Munim" - the accountant and secretary of Sheth Lakshmidas. Munim (Amrut Patel) is a very sly character. He handles all dirty jobs of Sheth Lakshmi Das and he knows all dark secrets of his boss. Satyakam traps him in his arguments and manages to prove the innocence of Chanda. Chanda thereafter decides to lead a life without the support of any man.
Shyam Shah with Cinamatographer Manish Vyas Preparing for the court room shoot.
But, one day she meets one of his regular visitors at the brothel Rohit Kumar (Paritosh Goswami). Rohit Kumar is the pampered elder son of a millionaire Sheth Lakshmi Das (Feroze Irani). He asks chanda to go with him, but she refuses. Annoyed by the refusal Rohit follows Chanda to her residence, where he attempts to rape her. In the struggle Rohit falls on the knife in chanda’s hand and gets killed. Chanda is arrested by the police. She is accused of the murder of Rohit Kumar.  Sheth Lakshmi Das uses his influence and sees that chanda doesn’t get a good lawyer.      
Satyakam (Hitu Kanodia), who is a very idealistic lawyer decides to plead for Chanda. Coincidentally Satyakam is the younger son of Lakshmi Das. He is totally different than his father Sheth Lakshmi Das and brother Rohit Kumar. Ironically, the public prosecutor (Jayedra Mehta), tries to humiliate Chanda with her past as a prostitute.
Lakshmi Das (Firoz Irani) & Satyakam (Hitu Kanodia)
Chanda (Pinky Parikh) murders and gets into jail. Below : Manoj (Bharat Thakkar), Satyakam (Hitu Kanodia) and Public Prosecutor(Jayendra Mehta) in court room.